Saturday, May 15, 2010

Happiness is essential to my life. It's something, however, that is missing in many of the people I meet each day in Western New York. It seems that a great number of people search for it in all the wrong places. I've seen many stuck in a viscous cycle of going to work all day to pay the bills and spending the rest of their time partying or watching T.V., and then starting it over again the next day. In the end they realize that those short bursts of happiness vanish like a puff of smoke, and their life has little meaning. They are missing something...A PURPOSE in Life!
Our purpose is to prepare to meet God. And when we understand it we truly can find pure happiness that actually lasts. God really does want us to be happy, but he will not force us. We choose happiness or misery. In Mosiah 2:41 of the Book of Mormon a righteous king named King Benjamin tells his people, "I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God...and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness." That's what life is all about and it is achievable.
One thing I love about being a missionary is that what I teach brings people closer to God. And I know that when people are closer to God they are a lot happier than when they are not.

The Restoration

Yesterday, I had a neat experience of attending the Palmyra Temple, which is situated just above the Sacred Grove in Western New York. In the early 1800's a boy named Joseph Smith entered that grove of trees to find answers from God. In that grove the heavens were opened once again and Joseph was called to be a prophet of God. Now millions, including myself, have been blessed with peace, happiness, and a reassurance that life goes beyond the grave.